Descartes foi o autor da celebre frase " penso logo existo" que é criticada e reescrita por Antonio Damasio que nos aponta alguns “erros” de Descartes é tem como ponto principal o erro de Descartes na separação entre a mente e o corpo.
O que se passa no cérebro são operações mentais que influencia o corpo e vice-versa. Dai portanto, o título do livro. A mente faz parte do cérebro contrapondo a separação simplista de mente e corpo no qual a alma é independente do corpo e das emoções ( ai está ela novamente), e não ocupa lugar no espaço.
O autor diferente do descarte enfatiza a necessidade de se associar o biológico com o psicológico para explicar a relação permanente entre razão e emoção.
Iremos trabalhar essa relação biológica e psicológica de Damásio a frente.
Descartes was the author of the famous phrase "I think therefore I exist" which is criticized and rewritten by Antonio Damasio suggests that in some "mistakes" of Descarte is the main point is to Descarte the error of separation between the mind and body.
What is happening in the brain are mental operations that affect the body and vice versa. so hence the title of the book. The mind is part of the brain simplistic opposing the separation of mind and body in which the soul is independent of the body and emotions (there she is again), and takes place not in space.
The author emphasizes disposal other than the need to link the biological with the psychological explanation for the ongoing relationship between reason and emotion.
We will work this relationship of biological and psychological Damásio ahead.
What is happening in the brain are mental operations that affect the body and vice versa. so hence the title of the book. The mind is part of the brain simplistic opposing the separation of mind and body in which the soul is independent of the body and emotions (there she is again), and takes place not in space.
The author emphasizes disposal other than the need to link the biological with the psychological explanation for the ongoing relationship between reason and emotion.
We will work this relationship of biological and psychological Damásio ahead.
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